Welcome to Shenzhen Randian Technology Co., Ltd.

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Shenzhen Randian Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2021 and is committed to innovating the self-service car washing model. With ten years of experience in the car washing industry, under the environment of economic development and rising salary levels, the traditional car washing industry has been greatly impacted. The company has been recognized by consumers and investors in the field of smart devices and software development.While saving resources, self-service car washing is regarded as a form of exercise. In the urban planning of developed regions in Europe, 24-hour convenience service stations have been built, which are used for community self-service shopping and self-service car washing for community residents. Convenient equipment. Self-service charging, self-service garbage recycling, etc., because they belong to public service projects. The services offered are mainly self-service car washing machines, self-service shopping machines, and advertising media machines. In the domestic situation, as more and more Chinese people join the car owners, the car washing market is constantly expanding.
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